Ransomed to the World Read online

Page 18

  Xander stiffened behind her, and she turned toward him slowly, a horrible suspicion taking root in her mind. “What’s happening?”

  He avoided her gaze and rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re a hereditary species. When the current ruler dies, the title moves onto the next person in line.”

  Annora stared up at him for a second, then dread turned her insides to acid. She twisted to glance at the body on the ground, her chest tightening until breathing became impossible.

  She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly bone dry, unable to speak above a whisper. “Please tell me that I just didn’t kill your mother.”

  Annora stared up at him, her beautiful brown eyes begging him to tell her the truth, and his heart squeezed. If he told her, she’d never forgive herself, but he refused to lie to her either. “My real mother died when our family inherited the crown. The woman you killed was only a shadow of her.”

  When Annora staggered away from him, her face pale, her eyes haunted, he leapt toward her and pulled her close, refusing to release her when she struggled. The darkness gathered around her, and he knew if he didn’t hold tight, she would disappear into the afterworld and vanish.

  He couldn’t bear to lose her, and he spoke urgently, desperate for her to understand. He refused to let his past ruin his future, not when he finally found her. “When my family inherited the crown, my father became a tyrant. He had always been abusive to my mother and me, but my mother changed after he became the monarch. She manipulated people around her to do her dirty work and pushed my father, made him into more of a monster so people would turn on him.”

  He swallowed hard at Annora’s earnest expression. He never wanted to expose her to his dark world, but when they entered the city limits, he received an order to report to his mother, and he knew he had to sneak away. If his mother had discovered he was mated, she’d have killed Annora without hesitation.

  She’d have done anything to eliminate a threat to the throne.

  “What happened?” Annora’s soft voice was a balm to his soul, and he sucked in a shuddering breath.

  “She tricked me into killing my father. She wanted to rule and needed to get both of us out of the way. It was the perfect setup.” He took a step back from her and paced, still sickened that he’d allowed himself to be used in such a way. “I killed my father after she goaded him into a fight. She’d arranged it so I would arrive in time to stop him from killing her…by killing him.”

  He turned toward the ocean, shoulders bowed. “My mother rushed me out of the palace and smuggled me out of the country, telling me I could never return. That I was banished.”

  A bitter laugh escaped him. “It was only after I left that I heard the rumors. She blamed me for everything, so she could take the crown. She accused me of murdering my father without provocation. She twisted the facts so if I ever returned, they’d ground me for my crimes. Taking my wings would ensure that I could never challenge her rule. I think she meant to ground me before I left, but the guards were called too soon. She told me to run so they wouldn’t figure out what really happened.”

  For years, he’d hated both his parents, but not as much as he hated himself. It took him nearly a decade to put aside his rage and put that life behind him.

  He consigned himself to living his life on his own with only the guys for his companions.

  Until her.

  She was the only thing that mattered to him now.

  The silence between them grated on his nerves. He had to know what she was thinking.

  Only her opinion mattered to him.

  He turned, startled to find her right behind him.

  Then she pulled back her arm and punched him in the gut so hard he grunted, the air leaving his lungs in a rush.

  “Shit.” Annora danced around, shaking out her hand. “You asshole! You had no right to make that decision on your own and sneak off to meet with your mother. You—”

  “You’re my mate!” Xander roared and clenched his fists to keep himself from picking her up and shaking her silly. “Like fuck was I just going to let you walk into danger. It was my decision to make.”

  Instead of backing down, she marched right up to him and poked him in the chest, punctuating each word with another poke. “You. Had. No. Right.”

  He caught her wrists and jerked her close, growling when she squirmed against him. He bit back a groan when he hardened at her nearness, and he struggled to keep his lust in check.

  She pressed her forehead against his chest, a whisper floating up to him. “I could’ve lost you.”

  “Never.” He tucked her close, dipping his head to nuzzle her neck. “I would never leave you.”

  She pulled away, glaring up at him, and he pressed his lips together to stifle his grin. She’d rage at him all over again if she figured out that he found her anger sexy as fuck. She turned to face the others, purposely standing in front of him again, as if to protect him, and he couldn’t hold back a grin at her fiercely protective side.

  “You will leave him alone.” It wasn’t a question.


  “I am no ruler.” Xander recoiled and shook his head. He couldn’t imagine a life without Annora. She was more important to him than any crown. “I abdicate my throne.”

  “Xander…your people need you,” his cousin protested. “They need—”

  “My line has done enough damage.” Xander waved off his friend’s protest. “It’s time for someone else to stand up and do what’s best for the pride—and that would be Isla. She technically killed the last of the line, so she has won the right to rule.”

  Isla jerked in surprise, then stood up straighter. She glanced at Annora cautiously, calculation in her eyes, and he barely resisted the urge to shove Annora behind him.

  “You rescind your claim on the crown?” The question wasn’t directed at him.

  Annora stepped back, bumping into him, and replied with a firm shake of her head. “But I’m not… You were first… Ah, all yours?”

  Isla relaxed slightly, then glanced at them both. “You and your mate are welcome back to the pride at any time. If you ever need anything, call on us. We’ll fight with you.”

  Shock went through him, and he dropped down to one knee and bowed his head. The other three guys followed his lead. Annora lingered at his side, so he grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  A minute later, the four gryphons shifted, galloped toward the cliff, and leapt off with a victory cry. Xander rose to his feet and watched them leave. He grabbed Annora close, kissing the top of her head, wondering how he got so fucking lucky to have found her.

  He considered giving up the crown a good trade if it meant he got to keep her in his life.

  “Come.” He reluctantly pulled away from Annora, collected her dropped blade, and returned it to her with a bow, his chest swelling with pride that he’d managed to find such a fierce mate. “The guys will have noticed your absence by now. If I don’t get you back soon, they’re going to tan both our hides.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Annora followed Xander as they dodged the troops patrolling outside the city grounds. There were twice as many guards as there were when they first escaped an hour ago, and she wondered if using her powers so close to the wall had somehow triggered an alarm.

  “Xander…” She was at a loss about how to apologize for what happened. She tried to kill his mother. She would’ve killed her if Isla hadn’t taken her head first. “I—”

  “Stop.” He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close. “If I’d had the chance to kill your uncle, I wouldn’t have hesitated. My mother was no different.”

  Her mind stalled at the comparison, and she shifted to what really bothered her. “Why would you allow her to take your wings?”

  She didn’t understand why he turned himself over, knowing what would happen. When he didn’t answer, her stomach turned sour. “Please don’t fucking tell me you were trying to protect me!”

�If I didn’t turn myself over, they would’ve had the whole team taken into custody.” He cast her an indecipherable look at her over his shoulder. “Imprisonment would have been the least of our worries then.”

  “Why didn’t you say something sooner? We could’ve—”

  “There is only one way to get on the island.” Xander pulled her behind a tree when a few soldiers passed close, holding her with an arm around her waist and his other hand over her mouth, and she barely resisted the urge to pull them into the afterworld to hide.

  The only obstacle was that she couldn’t be sure whether they could sense phantoms and dark matter.

  After a minute of silence, Xander nudged her forward, and they were on the move again. “I didn’t tell you or the others because I knew you’d make me stay behind. The thought of losing you made losing my wings a small price to pay.”

  Annora wanted to argue and rage at him, but she kept her mouth shut.

  Especially since she would’ve made the same choice.

  As they neared the city, Xander swooped down and plucked her off the ground and into his arms, ready to leap over the walls, when Camden emerged from the darkness. Relief brightened his green eyes when he spotted them, then he gave a short hand signal to follow.

  The rest of the guys were hidden by a ledge near the bluff.

  Mason was pacing back and forth, his size making the narrow path seem even smaller. He’d bulked up, as if preparing for war, and Prem was pacing opposite him, turning with the troll, until they were marching in sync.

  The moment she stepped onto the path, they both halted. Mason had his back toward her. He inhaled deeply, then whirled and stormed toward her. His hair swirled around him, defying gravity. His expression was thunderous, and a muscle ticked along his jaw.

  When he got to her, he bent nearly in half to shove his face into hers, anger radiating from him until she half suspected her hair was blowing straight back from his roar. “Where the hell have you been?”

  Despite knowing that he wouldn’t harm her, she still found him intimidating as fuck, and she steeled herself not to flinch away from him. She straightened her spine, then cupped his face. “Xander was in trouble. He needed me, just like you needed me when we visited the trolls. I needed to help him. They were going to take his wings.”

  “You don’t play fair.” Mason blew out a heavy breath, his hair wilting, his eyes softening a fraction. “Next time, you tell us where you go. No exceptions. We could’ve helped.”

  Annora wanted to argue that there wasn’t time, but it was the very same agreement she’d been trying to pound into Xander’s head just an hour ago.

  She didn’t have a leg to stand on, and she knew it. “You’re right. I’ll do better.”

  He deflated, the fight going out of him, and he straightened to his full height. The next second, she was smashed against his chest, his arms just short of crushing, and she tucked her head over his heart.

  “We need to keep moving.” Edgar’s voice was soft, devoid of emotion. He leaned down and swept up Prem in his hand, letting the little critter clamber up his arm to perch on his shoulder.

  Edgar was pissed.

  Annora pulled back, her stomach dropping when the other guys remained mute. They were still furious at her for leaving. Not that she could blame them. She fucked up.

  She fell into line behind Logan, noting that each of the guys wore a pack. They were heading away from the city. She crept closer to the kitsune and took his hand, feeling anxious as their disappointment beat at her. “Where are we going?”

  Logan stiffened at her touch. Feeling foolish, she was about to pull back when he tightened his hold and pulled her closer to him. “The patrols were searching the city. We’re not sure who they’re hunting, but we decided it’d be better if we head for the docks tonight.”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip. This was her fault. “Do you think it’s Daxion trying to renege on our deal?”

  Everyone fell silent at the implications.

  “It’s possible, but unlikely,” Edgar said, his voice easily carrying on the wind that swirled around them. “He wants something from you. Without us, he won’t get it. The patrols are probably hunting for fugitives. They do that every six weeks or so.”

  “Fugitives?” Xander began scanning their surroundings more closely, as if expecting an attack at any moment.

  Edgar shook his head. “Not like you’re thinking. While the troops do uphold the law, they also track down anyone who uses dark matter without permission.”

  Annora’s steps faltered. Edgar told her repeatedly to not use her powers, but she hadn’t listened. Now, thanks to her, they were probably fugitives. “Well, uh, then they might be looking for me. When Xander was in trouble, I did everything possible to make sure he’d stay alive. I didn’t hold back.”

  Edgar paused, casting her an inscrutable glance, before resuming his pace as they wound their way down toward the beach. Though he didn’t say a word, it felt like a reprimand.

  An eternity passed as she waited for his answer. “It’s doubtful. You can pass for a full phantom, meaning you can draw directly from the afterworld. Most don’t have the ability and rely upon other means like enchanted items. They’re looking for people who aren’t allowed to use magic.”

  She fell silent, digesting the overload of information. His answer only left her with more questions. She hated her lack of knowledge, information that others just took for granted. She hated stumbling around in the dark, making mistakes, and fumbling for answers.

  As they descended lower and lower, lights sparkled along the shoreline. It was like a mini city. Ships were moored on the docks, while taverns and warehouses were stretched across the shore. Even at this late hour, the place was a hive of activity.

  Wind from the ocean whipped at them, the cold penetrating her clothing to nip at her skin. The scent of the ocean was refreshing, although the spray slowly soaked into her clothing. But when her temperature dropped, the dark particles in her bones stirred to life, automatically regulating her body so she didn’t feel the chill.

  The closer they got to the beach, the more the path beneath her feet narrowed and crumbled. Calling it a pathway was generous—it was more of a ledge. Logan retained her hand, while Xander remained close enough to steady her when she stumbled, one of them always within reach.

  When they reached the bottom, she stepped out onto the sand, then slowed—the ground was firm but somehow shifted under her feet. As the water pulled out, then rushed toward the shore over and over, she couldn’t turn away, hypnotized by the sight. The crash of the waves was a comforting roar, drowning out everything else, even her chaotic thoughts.

  “Come.” Camden nudged her. “You’ll get to see more of the ocean when we set sail tomorrow.”

  Annora nodded that she understood but didn’t look away from the waves, allowing him to haul her along. When they reached the port in about twenty minutes, a quick look back over her shoulder revealed nothing but darkness. She couldn’t even see where they descended.

  “We came down the back way.” Camden gave her a half smile.

  The closer they got to the port, the noisier it became, until she screeched to a halt, gaping in astonishment…the ships were massive!

  “Stay here. I want to talk to the captain.” Edgar strode toward one of the smaller, sleeker ships.

  “Wait!” Annora trailed after him, but halted when he turned and gave her a sharp look. “We don’t go anywhere alone anymore.”

  She glanced at the others, then her eyes landed on Xander. “Take him with you. He’s from the area and could help.”

  Edgar waited a heartbeat, his anger softening slightly, and gave her a nod. “Very well.”

  As soon as they were out of sight, a pit opened up in her stomach. Despite the constant threats and assassination attempts, she was going to miss spending time with the guys. She very much feared that once they were on the island, their time alone would become nonexistent.

  She traile
d the others down the docks toward the last ship, glad the guys didn’t try to stop her. She halted when she saw her guys talking on the deck.

  The captain turned toward them, straightening when he spotted her. He struck Annora as the quintessential pirate captain—rakish and dangerous as hell, his lean but muscular form practically oozing sex appeal. Even from the distance she could tell he was different from the others.

  He was a phantom…but not.

  He was like her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I don’t like it.” Xander paced the small stateroom they’d received. “As soon as he saw Annora, he invited us on board.”

  “Do we trust him?” Camden glanced between Xander and Edgar. “Can he be trusted?”

  Edgar was leaning near the door, his arms crossed. “We don’t have a choice. We’re safer on board than we would be in the taverns. The soldiers have already passed through once, but that doesn’t mean they won’t come through again. I’d rather arrive on our own than be escorted to Daxion.”

  “You have a plan.” Annora was sitting on the bed next to Camden, his arm brushing not so casually against hers. It was a small touch, just a brush of skin, but she could tell by the way his breathing roughened that he was paying close attention. She deliberately leaned toward him, increasing the pressure, and smiled to herself when his hands tightened on his knees.

  Logan was stretched out behind her, half asleep as he played with her hair. Prem was curled up, passed out on his pillow, grudgingly leaving Logan only a tiny corner as a truce of sorts. The room was small, so Mason was seated on the floor, his body crammed next to the bed, his legs taking up most of the space from wall to wall.

  At her comment, everyone looked toward Edgar. His eyes warmed as he gazed back at her, and he nodded. “I suspect your father will have a welcoming party waiting for us as soon as we land. While he promised to claim you in front of society, I very much doubt he has any intention of doing so…unless we make him.”

  “How?” Mason ran a hand over his hair, then reached over and grabbed her ankle, putting her foot on his thigh so he could rub his thumb up and down her calf.