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Ransomed to the World Page 22

  She gritted her teeth as fear of being trapped again began to creep into her mind. Then she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and she was hauled forward.


  He came back for her.

  Logan must have sent him back to help.

  She gripped him back just as it felt like someone was squeezing her lungs. Her body spasmed at the lack of air. The darkness inside her snarled in fury, demanding to be set free, and it took every ounce of her concentration to stop it from taking over.

  A moment later, her insides seized, and she gulped water.

  Then again.

  And again.

  She went limp, her arms and legs heavier and heavier, a calm spread through her.

  As she glanced up, a bright light from above nearly blinded her.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Annora woke gagging and coughing, quickly twisting onto her side as she spewed up water. Strong arms held her steady while her lungs expelled all the water she’d inhaled. By the time she was done, her guts ached like she’d been worked over by a sock full of rocks. She looked around her, frantically searching for the guys, only allowing herself to relax when she saw they were all alive and unhurt.

  Her arms shook with fatigue, every breath a deep ache in her chest, and she knew she’d cut it really close. Shit…every inch of her body hurt. Before she face-planted, she was snatched up off the ground.

  Logan cradled her in his lap, rocking her, his grip so hard she couldn’t move. “You fucking do that again, and I’ll turn you over my knee and spank the shit out of you. Do you understand!?!”

  His roar boomed around them, his body trembling next to hers, and she allowed herself to relax against him. The rest of the guys crouched around them. Edgar lifted her chin, studying her face, and a touch of darkness seeped into her skin from his grip.

  Inspecting her for damage.

  Only tiny shards of blue remained in his eyes, the blackness threatening to swallow him whole. “That was cutting it really close.”

  She could only agree. “I held back the darkness as best I could. If you’d been just a little slower when I fell unconscious, it would’ve taken over and the guards would’ve been alerted.”

  Logan and Mason both growled, neither appeased by her answer. A muscle jumped in Xander’s jaw, but he accepted her reply and got to his feet, glancing around them. “Where are we?”

  Edgar reluctantly released her, caressing her jaw before he finally stood. Camden rose as well and offered his hand to her. Logan squeezed her, almost like Camden might snatch her away. Then he sighed and grumbled under his breath, reluctantly letting her go.

  She accepted Camden’s hand gratefully, not sure her legs would support her without help. She clutched his hand to her chest, still shaking at how close she’d come to losing them. Camden and Xander lingered close to her, both of them touching her at random, as if to make sure she was whole and really okay. She felt the same.

  Once they were all standing, they looked around the cave. The place was a natural cavern, but reinforced by enormous, human-built columns to support the added weight of the city and the influx of water. The cave wasn’t huge, but it was awe-inspiring. Water rushed in from multiple aqueducts, almost like a waterfall as it plummeted to the pool below. The sound alone was a dull roar, the complete opposite of the calm silence underwater.

  There was a natural current that made the water swirl, almost like they’d built the place to keep everything circulating. The algae that clung to the lower portion of the walls emitted a faint light, the spray from the water keeping it alive.

  The cavern was so gorgeous it could easily pass as an oasis.

  “Aquifers and aqueducts, my ass.” Logan glanced around with narrowed eyes. “The fucking captain lied. We’re in the damned sewers.”

  “Normal sewers are impossible to maintain on the island, so they created aqueducts and used the natural aquifer to help with the fresh water and sewer system.” Edgar began picking his way through the cavern. “The stairs are this way.”

  The guys fell in line, and she quickly followed, more than ready to get away from the water. Before she could take more than a few steps, arms swooped around her, and she was swept off her feet. Mason didn’t look at her, his jaw like granite, as if daring her to protest.

  Tension radiated from him as he practically stomped across the cavern, his hair slicked back and tight to his head, and she knew being forced to use her tank galled him. To him, being a troll meant being strong and invulnerable. To be otherwise, especially in front of her, hurt more than his pride.

  So instead of fighting him, she rested her head against his chest. “Thank you.”

  After a few yards, he heaved a sigh, the stiff way he held himself melting, and he kissed the top of her head, understanding she meant for more than just the lift. For people like them, leaving themselves vulnerable, relying on others, was a form of torture. You had to trust that they would catch you. The members of her pack didn’t have that growing up, and she was determined to make up for it now.

  Edgar led them to a small alcove, pausing at the entrance to glance back, then smirked when he saw Mason carrying her. Seeing that she was being taken care of seemed to relax him, and he ducked into the alcove and disappeared. Each guy followed, and she realized they were climbing stairs.

  They wound around the outside of the entire cavern, circling the cave, past the pillars and columns stabilizing the walls. Small balconies overlooked the churning water below. Tiny bits of moss and vines crept up through the system, tangling with the support beams. The artistry was gorgeous, and so incredibly ancient that the very air felt different.

  While the place was maintained, it was clear that not many people used the passageway. The farther they travelled, the more the path veered away from the water, until the sound was just a distant rumble and they were once again moving through tunnels.

  They weren’t underground for more than ten minutes when the passageway widened out into a large room. A couple of different paths branched off, and Edgar headed toward a set of steep stairs that was more of a ladder that seemed to lead directly into the ceiling.

  As he began to climb, she couldn’t help notice the way his clothes clung to him. It was the first time she’d seen him really rumpled. It was odd seeing him so disheveled, almost intimate, and damn if she didn’t find him sexy.

  Mason chuffed, and she glanced up, then blushed to see him smirking at her, his hair gently swaying as if amused too. Instead of teasing her, he carefully lowered her to her feet, then kissed the top of her head. “We’ll find a safe place and get you out of these wet clothes soon.”

  Her whole body tingled at the promise in his husky tone. He leaned closer, but instead of kissing her, he nudged her toward the ladder, swatting her lightly on the ass. “Stop trying to tempt me.”

  She chuckled and started up the ladder, spotting a light up ahead.


  Her heart pounded hard with the need to be topside, and she scrambled up the rungs. She’d only gotten halfway up when Xander reached back down, grabbed her wrists, and pulled her up, then pushed her ahead of him, as if he knew the walls were beginning to close in on her.

  An open door stood in front of her, and she wasn’t ashamed to admit she sprinted the last few feet. As she burst out into a small courtyard, Camden caught her close, cupping the back of her neck as she struggled for air.

  “We’ve got you.” He ran a soothing hand down her back. “Breathe deep.”

  The exotic scent of wildflowers eased the tightness in her chest, something she associated only with him, and she squeezed him back, not giving a fuck that he was using his abilities to help calm her. “Thank you.”

  He grunted, then pulled back. “Always.” He tipped her chin up and kissed her, his tongue tangling with hers, not giving her a chance to even think. As a distraction, it was the best. When he pulled away, she nearly followed him, and his green eyes brightened with invitation.

hum of voices jolted them apart. The rest of the guys were at the entrance, giving them privacy, and she was grateful. Now that they were aboveground and she was on her own two feet, she scowled down at her still-damp clothes. They clung to her awkwardly, making her skin feel clammy.

  She reached forward, tugging on the back of Edgar’s shirt. He immediately dropped back. “Now we’re topside, I can use magic to dry us off, right? They won’t be able to tell us apart from other magic users, will they?”

  He pursed his lips, obviously reluctant to agree, and she pushed home her point. “We’ll only draw more attention if we try to walk around the city looking like drowned rats.”

  He finally relented and nodded. “Just be careful. Not many can use dark matter the way you do, so it’s important for you to keep a low profile. The less we’re noticed, the better.”

  Annora deflated at his cautious warning, unable to argue with his logic. She slipped into the shadows and summoned forth the darkness. It immediately leapt forward at her call, slithering up her legs and twining up her body, the warm air drying her clothes on the way.

  Logan instantly joined her, giving her a crooked smile as he invaded her space. She took the opportunity to allow the air to caress him, careful to make sure she didn’t push him too far. Instead of retreating, his electric blue eyes darkened with lust, the scent of snow filling the space between them. Once he was dry, he gave her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose, then backed away and allowed Xander to take his spot.

  The gryphon didn’t hesitate to swoop down and ruthlessly kiss the shit out of her. The darkness swirled around them, caressing them both. He tore away from her much too soon, and she barely stifled a groan. He leaned down, nipped at the crook of her neck hard enough to send a jolt of lust through her, but stepped back before she could reach for him.

  She pouted, but he only winked, his eyes smoldering back at her with a promise for later. By the time she glanced at the others, Edgar had finished drying them. Annora sighed in relief, not sure she’d be able to handle more sexual tension and keep her hands to herself.

  “We’re near the center of the city. Unfortunately, the closer we are to the center, the wealthier the people and the more patrols.” Edgar studied the street again, then leaned back against the building. “The upper-class usually wear their best finery, women in dresses and men in suits. The only exception are the troops, who wear polished uniforms.”

  “So we wait until dark.” Xander crossed his arms, his legs splayed, prepared to stand guard.

  Logan grunted, peered out into the streets, and jerked back with a frown. “The patrols are thorough. They’ll find us long before then.”

  “Can we walk through the afterworld?” Annora glanced at Edgar, not sure whether it would be undetectable or not.

  Edgar crossed his arms, rubbing his jaw. “Not many people have the ability, but the few who do are located here. There’s a slim chance we could cross paths with someone in the other realm.”

  “So we have a decision to make,” Camden stated, his hands on his hips. “Which of us is the least likely to get us caught?”

  Mason ducked and ran a hand over his head. “There’s no way I’ll be able to blend in.”

  Edgar dropped his arms before they could come up with an alternative plan, clearly not happy as he faced her. “Are you able to bring us all with you but keep your magic contained so it doesn’t affect the outside world?”

  “Yes.” She’d have to be. There was no other choice. “Just tell me how.”

  “Liar.” He thrust out his hand toward her, and she willingly went to his side. “Keep us in the afterworld,” he said, “and I’ll keep the darkness contained.”

  She suspected he had the much harder task. Annora inhaled deeply and allowed the darkness inside her to rise to the surface. It exploded out of her, seeping into the outside world until they were surrounded by darkness. Particles floated in the air.

  Edgar’s grip tightened on her hand, his breathing rough as he shaped the magic around them so it didn’t touch anyone or anything else but her and the guys. The outside world remained completely unaffected, like shadows moving beyond their circle.

  “We’re in a bubble,” Annora murmured with awe.

  “You have to stay close.” Edgar directed his comment toward the men, his grip on her hand tightening, but he refused to look at her, his sole focus on containing the field. “The ward can stretch, but the thinner it gets, the easier it is for the dark matter to sneak out into the city, especially with so many phantoms living here. It’s already saturated the area.”

  Annora pulled back on the darkness, restricting the flow. Edgar relaxed slightly, then strode into the city. A few people walked through the sphere, the men dodging them, but the people were like shadows. Every once in a while she and the guys would freeze when patrols passed, the guards searching the area as if sensing their magic.

  They managed to go three blocks, darting in and out of the alleys. The buildings went from mansions to modest houses. The smells became more potent, switching from flowers and sea to sweat and fish. The population exploded the farther they went, the streets becoming congested until it was impossible to move without running into people. Carts blocked the roads, while the sidewalks were packed with people selling their wares.

  It was an hour before Edgar brought them to a small house and hustled them inside. When he dropped her hand, Annora allowed the darkness to fade, and couldn’t have been more surprised to find her legs a bit unsteady.

  “Whoa!” Logan caught her close and eased her down onto a small couch. The place consisted of a living room, dining room, kitchenette combination.

  Annora shook her head and frowned. “I don’t understand. Usually I feel better after playing with dark matter. Why do I feel so woozy?”

  Edgar leaned against the wall, his body sagging with exhaustion. “You were in the afterworld for more than an hour. It’s like exercising…you overworked your muscles. You enjoy the small stints because you get a high from them. You should recover soon.”

  A door opened somewhere deeper in the house and everyone tensed. Mason and Logan moved to stand in front of her, while Camden and Xander split up to cover the exits. A mask fell over Edgar’s face as he pushed away from the wall and stood to his full height, his expression forbidding.

  A guard strode into the room, and it took her a second to recognize Sadie.

  “Edgar!” Sadie bounded toward him, and Annora barely bit back a growl.

  The young woman smiled, her black hair pulled back into an elaborate twist, her bangs covering her forehead, and a twinge went through Annora as she noticed the girl’s stunning beauty. She was slim and fit, her pale features giving her a classical beauty that most people envied. Annora mistook her for a foreign princess when she first spotted her.

  Instead of throwing her arms around Edgar the way Annora expected, they grabbed each other’s wrists and shook hands. The rest of the guys relaxed slightly, but they didn’t let down their guard, taking their cue from Annora.

  While the girl was nice enough, she’d abandoned Edgar when he needed it most and left him for dead. Annora couldn’t forgive her for that.

  Nor for the fact that they were once betrothed.

  “What the hell happened?” Sadie surveyed the rest of them, her prickly nature falling over her like a well-worn cloak. “Why did you bring them all here? Daxion’s not going to be happy.”

  “The university is talking about calling a hunt. Some people have taken preemptive measures, wanting to claim her for their own, while others want to eliminate the threat completely.”

  Camden strode toward the window, standing off to the side so he wouldn’t be noticed, peering out into the streets to see if they had been followed. He glanced back at Sadie over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. “What would Daxion have done when he learned that?”

  Sadie didn’t miss a beat. “He would’ve killed them, and possibly the others if he got the chance, and taken you hostage unti
l you did what he wanted.”

  “Daxion has no intention of claiming me.” Annora stood, unable to sit still. “Once he gets what he wants, he’ll have me branded like I’m nothing more than a beast to be drained and killed off.”

  Sadie didn’t appear surprised, and snarked back, “And you thought you’d just show up here and make it easier for him?”

  “He doesn’t know we’re here.” Edgar spoke softly. “We snuck onto the island. If we can get her in front of the council, Daxion would have no choice but claim her.”

  Sadie paled. “Are you fucking insane? Whose harebrained idea was that? Daxion would never publicly claim a half-breed.”

  “Unless she has something he wants,” Camden countered, glowering at the slur Sadie used.

  Sadie threw back her head and laughed. “What could you possibly have that he’d want so badly he would risk the reputation he’s spent decades acquiring?”

  “Power.” Annora wasn’t sure she trusted Sadie enough to tell her the full truth. Edgar gave a subtle shake of his head, his reassurance warming her. “He wants to take over the council, and he doesn’t have enough power to do it by himself.”

  “Shit.” Sadie reeled back as if struck. “He’s a megalomaniac and an elitist. If he gains control of the council, he’ll purge the phantoms of everyone but purebloods and start a race war. He believes it’s his right to rule the entire paranormal realm.”

  “Daxion will never stop coming after me if I don’t do this. He’ll go to any extreme to get what he wants. He needs to be stopped.” Annora was pleased when Edgar stepped away from Sadie. “Are you in?”

  Sadie stared at her, then her gaze slid toward Edgar, and she groaned. “Fuck.”

  Annora should be happy, it was exactly what they wanted, but she couldn’t help being scared shitless. She didn’t really care about what happened to her—she could handle whatever came her way—but while this plan protected her, her guys still remained vulnerable.

  “If this is what you want, then you’ll have to be presented to the council tonight,” Sadie warned, unbuttoning her coat and putting her hands on her hips. “Daxion has spies everywhere. If he doesn’t already know you’re here, he will before morning.”