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Ransomed to the World Page 28

  Only she didn’t understand his sacrifice. “I don’t get it. Why did you give your life for us?”

  Valen chuckled, his laughter rumbling in her ear, the sound surprisingly comforting, and Prem chittered happily. Then Valen backed up a step, holding her away from him, keeping his hands on her shoulders as he looked down at her. “Because we’re family. It’s what family does. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.”

  Prem reached out, patting Valen’s finger, and Valen tickled the little beast under his chin.

  Annora could only gaze up at him, her thoughts grinding to a halt at the foreign thought of having a family member who cared about her, and she gave him a tentative smile. “Family…I’m not sure I know what that means anymore. The guys…they’re my family.”

  “I’m glad. You chose well.” He dropped his hands and retreated. “I would consider it an honor to be counted as your uncle. Call me if you need me.”

  Annora nodded and gathered the darkness around her, the pull to get back to the guys now urgent.

  Valen watched the darkness, a troubled look on his face. “Be careful of Daxion and the council. They’ll forgive him for sleeping with a witch, but most will see you as an abomination. Even with all your power, they still consider themselves your betters.”

  “And that’s why they won’t see me coming.” Annora gave him a cocky wave and let the darkness swallow her whole.

  She couldn’t live her life in fear of Daxion or the council or the rebellion. She needed to live on her own terms, and the most important thing to her was getting her mates out alive. She was determined to do whatever it took to make that happen, even if she had to let the island sink beneath the sea.

  She emerged back on her balcony, the gravity making her feel heavy, the air thicker. The sun was just a hint on the horizon, meaning she’d been gone all night. She glanced around the courtyard, but didn’t see anything out of order. Prem leapt off her shoulder onto the railing, sniffing the air, then dashed off, no doubt in search of food.

  Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the doorknob…then stumbled when it was yanked forward, dragging her inside with it. Though she quickly released it, the momentum sent her stumbling, and she crashed into a ginormous chest.

  The scent of pine and copper filled her lungs, and she immediately melted against his chest, hugging him close. “Mason.”

  It felt like she’d been gone for ages.

  He picked her up, her arms and legs automatically going around him, and he dipped her backward, kissing the daylights out of her, his erection grinding against her deliciously. She tangled her fingers in his hair, the strands wrapping around her fingers lovingly, and she couldn’t resist running her fingers along his crown of horns. His grip tightened, his kiss becoming more possessive. A deep growl vibrated in his chest, shooting pleasure between her legs in a way that made her shudder.

  He straightened slowly, pulling back, and it took a second to catch her breath. He looked down at her, his smile very smug. “Welcome back.”

  Annora grinned back. A glance showed the rest of the guys were awake too. Apparently, none of them had bothered to sleep while they waited for her return. Seeing them alive and well made her heart skip, and the starch went out of her spine.

  The urgency must have just been the warning that the sun was about to rise.

  Mason was slow to put her down, his hand lingering against her back, sending a shiver down her spine. Her feet barely touched the ground before Camden cupped her elbow. A deep calm radiated from his gentle hold, and she leaned into him.

  That’s when she saw their grim expressions, and she pulled away, not wanting to be distracted. “What happened?”

  “Sadie came with a warning.” Edgar pushed away from the wall. “They’ve moved up the ceremony.”

  Dread pooled in her gut. “Why?”

  “We don’t know.” Xander crossed his arms and scowled. “I don’t like it. He’s planning something.”

  “I agree.” Logan leaned against the table, his leg jiggling as he stared blankly at the floor. “I think it has something to do with us. He moved up the timetable because of us.”

  “Maybe.” Camden rubbed his jaw, his brows furrowed. “But I suspect it’s something more. We assumed he was out searching for us all night, but what if that was just a ruse?”

  Edgar’s head snapped up. “Now the council is aware of Annora, he’s making plans.”

  “So you think the ceremony is a trap.” Mason glanced at her, concern shimmering in his lavender eyes. “Then we can’t let her go.”

  “I think we need to let things play out.” Annora held up her hand when the others vehemently protested. “Here me out. We know it’s a trap. We can use it against him. We—”

  “I don’t like it.” The words exploded out of Mason, like he couldn’t hold them inside anymore.

  The room fell silent as the rest of the guys nodded.

  Annora frowned at each of them. “Do we really have a choice here?”

  “We could leave.” Logan stilled, his expression earnest, his lack of movement so unnatural, it made her twitch. “Right after the claiming ceremony, I mean. The threat to us will be neutralized, right?”

  “You may be right.” Edgar ran a hand over the back of his neck. “Leaving would put us beyond his reach. If we stay, he’ll always be working an angle, trying to get Annora under his control.”

  “And the best way to do that would be through us.” Xander looked furious.

  “Great.” Mason sounded almost chipper. “Then let’s get off this fucking island.”

  Logan snorted, folding his arms. “For once, I agree with the big guy. I’m ready to leave. I thought my family was fucked up, but this place is a little too Stepford for me.”

  Xander snickered, and the tension in the room broke. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her from behind, leaning down to nibble on her neck in a way that made all thoughts disappear.

  His erection brushed against her, and she squirmed, her body warmed from his attention.

  Gods, she’d missed them.

  She wasn’t sure how she survived so long without them in her life.

  “I hate to break up your reunion,” Edgar said as he walked across the room and picked up a black garment bag. “But you need to start getting ready.”

  “Already?” She frowned at the clock.

  Edgar gave her an indulgent smile. “Shower, makeup, hair, and dress…it will take you longer than you might expect.”

  Annora wanted to duck under Xander’s arms and crawl behind him.

  Xander huffed out a laugh, tightened his grip, then groaned and nuzzled her neck before releasing her, gently pushing her toward Edgar. “Go—before I change my mind.”

  A thrill shot through her, and it was a struggle to put one foot in front of the other when it felt like she was heading toward the gallows. She was not looking forward to the next few hours.

  Edgar chuckled softly and opened the bathroom door for her.

  Annora whirled and dashed toward Logan, holding out her hand and wiggling her fingers. “Give me all your change.”

  He gave her a bemused look and dug into his pockets, dropping two coins into her hand. She pursed her lips and looked down at her palm, then nodded. “Thank you.”

  Before she could bound back across the room, Camden snagged her arm, halting her. He reached into his pocket, then held out his hand. Four more coins rested in his palm. She gave him a bright smile and snatched them up, then stretched on her toes and kissed him on the cheek before shooting off into the bathroom.

  Edgar cast her a curious look and followed her inside the room, partially closing the door to hang the garment bag on the back. When he turned to leave, panic flared in her chest, making it hard to breathe. “You’ll come back and help me get ready?”

  He paused by the door, then gave her a short bow. “I would be honored.”

  The door shut behind him with a snick, feeling very much like a cell door closing. She gla
nced around the room, searching for escape, then forced herself to be still. She wasn’t trapped…it just felt like it.

  Deciding to put off getting ready, she dropped the coins on the counter with a clatter…six in total. She opened the cupboard and saw the afterworld staring back at her. She pulled out her grimoire and quickly shut the door with her elbow, then glanced furtively at the bathroom door, as if the guys might bust in at any moment.

  When nothing happened, she flipped open the book to the pages Daxion had stolen. How to make a medallion. She translated the page, stilling when she saw that objects could be spelled to take powers instead of giving them—now she knew exactly why Daxion wanted these pages.

  Son of a bitch!

  He was going to siphon off her power and use it for himself.

  She thought about telling the guys, but decided against it. They would only worry, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Decision made, she spread out the coins and followed the directions in the book, drawing on a tiny thread of dark matter and weaving it around the coins in the pattern indicated, casting knots and tying off straggled ends.

  They would be temporary, but they would work for now. When she had more time, she’d make something more permanent.

  She paid special attention to the quarter, adding more and more magic until she could barely sense the metal in the coin. By the time she was done, her hairline was damp, and her hands trembled. She wasn’t used to working with the darkness in such fine detail.

  She closed the book with a thump and picked up the coins, noticing they were heavier than normal. Darkness made the metal shimmer in the light, and she knew she’d succeeded. Placing the coins on top of the book, she nudged open the cupboard with her elbow and put the grimoire back.

  Knowing the guys were waiting and not wanting them to get suspicious, she rushed through her shower. She hopped out and stood dripping on the rug, wrapped up in a towel, not sure what to do next.

  At the soft knock on the door, she barely stifled her yelp. She tightened the towel around her and shuffled forward and opened it cautiously to find Edgar waiting patiently.

  “Are you ready?” His voice was gruff, his eyes remaining focused on her face.

  Annora wanted to say no, but leaving wasn’t an option. She nodded, then stood back and opened the door wide enough for him to get through, then quickly shut it behind him. She fiddled with the edge of her towel, avoiding his gaze until he tilted her face up to his.

  Instead of commenting, he was all business as he scanned her face. “We’ll do your makeup and hair first.”

  He nudged her toward the mirror, then left her to dig into one of the drawers, pulled out a brush and a dryer and got to work. The combination of heat and the drag of the brush against her scalp was relaxing, and she closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the attention.

  When the blow drier went off, she stifled her sigh of disappointment. When he opened another drawer, pulling out hundreds of hairpins, she couldn’t hold back her grimace. For the next hour, he twisted and tugged at her hair, pinning the strands up until her hair was pulled tight. When he stood back, different sections of her hair were woven together into an intricate design that made her look sophisticated, and gems shimmered in the strands like stars. A shiny scar at the crook of her neck made her lean closer to the mirror, and she tipped her head for a better view.

  Camden’s bite.

  Proudly displayed.

  Annora nodded her approval.

  She reached up to touch one of the gems, but he caught her hand and pulled it away. “Nuh-uh.”

  He turned her until she faced him, and quickly boosted her up onto the counter. She clutched at him, then hastily grabbed her towel when it dipped dangerously low. Giving her privacy, he pulled open another drawer, revealing dozens of bottles and containers of makeup, none of which she had any clue about how to use. “How do you know how to do this?”

  His eyes met hers briefly, amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes, then he nudged up her chin and went to work. “My parents weren’t very active in my life, so I was left in the care of my sisters a lot.”

  Annora was floored, wincing that she knew so little about his life. “Do you have a large family?”

  “Families are different from houses.” Edgar shrugged, focusing on sweeping a makeup brush across her skin. “I grew up in a large family, but when I showed a talent for warfare, I was immediately sent to Daxion House to learn. We cut ties with our families when we pledge to our houses.”

  Annora found that incredibly sad.

  He tipped her head from side to side as he studied her, then finally nodded. “When you go to the ceremony, you must be prepared for others to test you. They’re going to do their best to make you crack and prove you’re unworthy. Whatever you do, it’s imperative that you don’t retaliate. If two powers collide…it’s like two atom bombs exploding.”

  He went to the garment bag and unzipped it, pulling out a pair of shoes and a small package, both of which he set on the counter next to her. He reached down, then helped her scoot off the counter, catching her weight and lowering her gently.

  “Change into these.” His eyes swept over her quickly, then he turned and gave her his back. “Let me know when you’re done.”

  Annora studied his broad back, then reluctantly dropped her towel and began to dress. She slid on the silk underwear, strapless bra, and one of the stockings before she broke the silence. “I don’t know about families or houses, but I do know I would never give a child of mine away like that. You and the guys are my family, and I wouldn’t trade any of you for the world.”

  She was just rolling up the last stocking, her foot on the edge of the bathtub, when the stillness in the room made her look up.

  She found Edgar staring at her, his lips slightly parted, his blue eyes dark with hunger. “You are magnificent.”

  Heat spread through her limbs, and suddenly she was locked in his arms, unsure who moved first. He tasted of darkness and nectar, his mouth devouring hers like he was starved for the taste of her, and she loved every fucking second of it. With a groan, he finally lifted his head, and she nearly whimpered.

  He looked pained as he slowly pried his hands off her.

  “Edgar?” She curled her hands into fists, hurt and confused by his retreat. “What’s wrong? It’s almost like you’ve been…avoiding me.” She crossed her arms, suddenly feeling very exposed in nothing but her underwear.

  “I promised myself that I wouldn’t touch you until I’ve earned your forgiveness.” His mouth tightened, his face harsh as he gazed down at her.

  She frowned up at him. “But I forgave you already.”

  “Because you’re kind and beautiful and generous, not because I deserve it.” He thrust his fingers in his hair. “I—”

  “You’re an idiot.” Her heart lurched at the confused, troubled expression on his face. She moved closer to him until only inches separated them, and she couldn’t tell if he was even breathing. “I may be naïve, but I’m not stupid, and I don’t say what I don’t mean…ever. You did lie to me, you betrayed my trust…” Annora looked down, tangling her fingers together and shrugged. “But I may have overreacted. You’re the first friend I’ve ever had.”

  Edgar swallowed hard, then cupped her face, searching her eyes. “Say it again.”

  “I forgive you.” Annora leaned into him. “I love you.”

  His mouth slammed over hers, his lips bruising as he held her still and plundered her mouth. She reached up and gripped his wrists, needing something solid to ground her while the world around her dissolved.

  He stooped, gripped her waist, and lifted her clear off the ground, never once breaking the kiss. She threw her arms around his neck, her legs around his hips, shivering when his erection brushed her core.

  Seconds later, she found her ass perched on the edge of the counter once again. He reached down, easing his fingers inside her panties and stroked her intimately.


/>   Twice.

  The third time, she was so on edge he sent her over. The orgasm rippled through her, and she could do nothing but ride it out, groaning his name. His strokes lightened as she came down from her high, and she struggled to get her breath back after he stole it.

  When she blinked her eyes open, it was to find him gazing down at her with a pleased smirk. She licked her lips while she studied him, suddenly hungry for more. She reached for the waistband of his pants when he captured her wrists in his grip. “What—?”

  “If I touch you now, I will ruin all my hard work, and we don’t have time to put you back together before Daxion comes for you.”

  Annora grimaced in disgust. “That’s one hell of a way to ruin the mood.”

  Edgar let out a bark of laughter, then pulled away with a wince. Ignoring the erection bulging the front of his pants, he helped her down, running his hands over her lingerie until everything was back in place. He tucked a few pieces of her hair back into the pins and gave a nod of approval before he returned to the garment bag.

  Annora leaned against the counter, her legs still trembling, and her eyes fell to his ass. The predatory way he moved made her shiver, and she bit her lip to stifle a groan.

  He literally left her breathless.

  He turned, her dress in his hands, his expression softening as he looked at her. Without a word, he knelt at her feet, guiding her legs into the dress. She leaned on his shoulder for balance, his face just inches away from her breasts. The warmth against her bare skin made her shiver, and he lightly brushed his cheek against her stomach.

  “I would give anything to be taking this dress off you instead of putting it on you,” he grumbled. Taking a fortifying breath, he tore himself away and stood, sliding the dress up over her hips.

  She allowed her fingers to trail down his chest, stealing a touch along his muscles before he turned her, pouting when he zipped up her dress. If anything happened to her, she wanted their last moments together to be something he’d never forget.

  Darkness splintered his blue eyes as he gazed down at her, his voice just a whisper of air. “Magnificent.”