Ransomed to the World Page 4
“Ass.” Mason didn’t even have to stand—he just reached over and smacked Logan on the back of the head.
“Ow!” Logan scowled at the troll, then danced out of the way when Mason rose to his feet.
But not fast enough.
Mason grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him toward the tent. “Time for bed.”
“But it’s early yet!” Logan tried to dig in his feet, but Mason didn’t even notice as he dragged him along.
“And no one wants to deal with your pranks.” The conversation became muted as the two of them disappeared inside the tent.
Then her attention was stolen by Camden when he came to a stop in front of her. Without saying a word, he held out his hand. She knew how much that cost him. His touch was toxic to most people. A casual brush of his fingertips could drop a person. Anything more could kill them.
Except her.
While the guys had developed a resistance to his poison over the years by repeated exposure, her immunity was innate. He didn’t trust it yet, but she could see the hope in his vivid green eyes. She carefully placed her hand in his, excitement making her lips tingle.
She agreed to his touch therapy, but on her terms.
A kiss.
Camden reverently tightened his bare hand around Annora’s, playing with her fingers, marveling at his ability to touch her.
Fuck if he didn’t feel nervous as a kid with his first hard-on.
He’d been with women before, enjoyed the experience, but something was always missing.
That missing element was Annora.
It has always been Annora.
He led her to a ledge overlooking the valley that he’d found earlier.
“Oh, wow.” Annora leaned against him and tipped back her head to look at the stars. “They’re so close you can almost touch them.”
While the stars were spectacular, it was her that he couldn’t stop watching. “Beautiful.”
“I know, right?” Annora glanced up at him, her eyes alight in wonder, and something in his chest hitched. Under his look, a blush climbed up her cheeks, and he couldn’t stop himself from cupping her face. He kept his touch light, careful to make sure he didn’t overwhelm her.
But instead of fear, she leaned into him with a sexy sigh that made his cock ache.
“You’re not going to hurt me,” Annora murmured.
“Never,” he vowed.
She gave him a beautiful smile that made his heart hiccup against his ribs. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
But when he leaned down, she stepped back with a sexy smile that made his balls tighten.
“Take off your shirt.”
Camden hesitated, some of the lust clearing from his head.
Then he nearly swallowed his tongue when she reached down and pulled her own shirt over her head. She looked uncertain for a second, clutching it to her chest. “The only way we can test your touch is skin-to-skin.”
Fuck it.
He reached back and yanked his shirt over his head, unable to tear his eyes away from her. His hands shook with the need to gather her close and accept what she offered, his control tenuous at best.
“I’m afraid,” he whispered, his throat tight.
She took a step toward him and rested her hand on his chest. “I’m not.”
Her tangy lemon scent made his mouth water, and he found his hands resting on her waist, his fingers tingling at the feel of her smooth skin. Instead of kissing her, he watched his hands trail lightly up her sides, marveling at the privilege of touching her silken skin.
When he reached her bra, he felt her tremble and looked up to meet her eyes, fear like a gunshot blast to his chest…and saw pure desire staring back at him, her gaze clear and bright.
Completely unaffected by the toxins in his touch.
Unable to stop himself, he slammed his lips over hers and devoured her, a groan tearing free, the taste of her intoxicating. He reverently ran his hands up her spine, trying to resist crushing her to his chest—until she arched against him.
Her breasts were cushioned against his chest, and he thought he’d explode in his pants. He ran his fingers across her bra strap with a growl, unwilling to have even that tiny scrap of material separating them.
His mate.
When he felt her teeth bite into his shoulder, his knees fucking quivered and his brain shut down. He scooped her up in his arms, shuddering when her legs clamped around his hips. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“Take your bra off, or I’ll shred it.” It was a warning and a promise.
When she trembled this time, he didn’t mistake it for anything but lust.
He could smell her arousal, and it was all he could do not to strip her and take her then and there the way his beast urged.
When she moved, he tensed, prepared to give chase if she thought to leave…and nearly swallowed his tongue when she reached behind her and peeled off her bra, baring herself to him. His breath stalled as he gazed down at her breasts, his mouth watering, eager for the taste of her.
She peeked up at him from under her lashes, then reached up and cupped her breasts. Pre-cum tipped the crown of his cock, and he tightened his hands around her waist and lifted her until he could take the tip of her breast in his mouth.
Her fingers threaded into his hair, her nails scraping against his scalp, and he growled. He lowered them both to the ground, then cupped her other breast, playing with her nipple, loving the way she arched under him.
But he needed more, the scent of her desire driving him crazy.
He leaned back, panting, watching her beneath him. He ran his hands down from her breasts to her waist, stopping at the waistband of her pants, then looked up at her in question. He’d never allowed himself to taste a woman intimately, the craving to do so now an urge he couldn’t resist.
In answer, she lifted her hips.
It was all he could do not to shred her pants, he was that desperate to get at her. He didn’t even bother to strip them all the way off before he bent his head and tasted…heaven. He groaned, and she arched into him. He cupped her ass, feasting on her, unable to get enough.
His beast rose under his skin, clamoring for every last drop. He lapped at her, his dexterous tongue making her thighs quiver, the taste of her like an addiction, and he needed more.
The need to make her scream his sole focus.
All thoughts of toxins were forgotten, his beast unafraid that they would hurt her.
It was impossible.
She was made for them.
Needing more from her, needing everything, he reached down, determined to feel her orgasm around his fingers. He eased into her gently, but she was having none of it, grabbing his hair and guiding him to get what she wanted. Before long, she was riding his fingers, and he felt her orgasm ripple through her, his name a husky groan on her lips.
It was all he could do not to come in his pants.
His chest puffed up.
He had brought her pleasure.
He lifted his head, balancing on one arm as he watched her float down from her high, using his fingers to prolong her pleasure. He watched her closely, but saw nothing but satisfaction, no sign of any aftereffects from his touch.
Finally, she opened her dazed eyes and gave him a lazy smile. Fierce satisfaction filled his soul, and he licked his lips, already missing the taste of her. She lifted her hand and placed it on his chest, then trailed it down his torso, her palm coming to rest on his fly.
He quickly caught her hands, then lifted them to his mouth and kissed her palms. “We should head back before the rest of the guys come to investigate.”
Annora frowned up at him, her lips pouty from his kisses, and he thought his cock would burst.
“If I was going to be affected by the toxins in your touch, your mouth on my most delicate parts would’ve done the trick.” She gave him a crooked smile.
Then he nearly swallowed his tongue when she cupped him through his jeans and stroked his coc
k. He inhaled sharply, unable to stop from thrusting into her grip.
Taking advantage of his distraction, she slid her dainty fingers through the gap in his pants and cupped his cock, gripping him hard.
His breath stalled in his chest, and he couldn’t move, poised on the brink of cracking, dying to see what she would do next. When she gazed up into his eyes and stroked him, he had no will to fight her or himself. He bucked in her grip, and she quickly caught the rhythm.
It didn’t take more than a few strokes before he came in her hands with a guttural groan. He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers, peering down at her, feeling like he’d finally come home. “I love you.”
She gave him the most beautiful smile, and he leaned down, kissing her, already knowing she felt the same. He could feel it through their connection. When he pulled away, he helped her to her feet. After they cleaned up, he swept her up in his arms and headed back to camp, not ready for the closeness to end.
He didn’t give a shit that everyone knew what they’d been doing. He fucking loved that they could smell it on them.
She was his mate, and now everyone would know it.
Chapter Five
Annora woke up bundled in a stack of blankets, reluctant to leave the safe haven that smelled like her guys…until she remembered what happened last night.
A blush heated her neck and cheeks, and she shifted restlessly as she remembered the way he controlled her body. Echoes of pleasure still shimmered in her veins, and she sighed.
Thankfully, the rest of the guys didn’t treat their return as anything but normal.
No sly looks.
No snarky comments.
No jealousy.
Each of them kissed her good night as they entered the tent, then cuddled around her the whole night. Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to delay the inevitable, she blew out a breath, then peeled open her eyes.
And saw Xander waiting outside the tent, his legs spread, his arms crossed, watching her like he knew she was awake.
When he beckoned her forward with a tilt of his head, she stifled her groan.
Training time.
She watched him turn away and knew if she didn’t show up in five minutes, he’d drag her out of bed and take pleasure in doing it too.
Conceding defeat, she untangled herself from Logan’s arms, chuckling when she saw Prem had stolen his pillow and was curled up on it, fast asleep. She crawled out of the large sleeping bags the guys zipped together, glad she took Mason’s advice and slept in just a T-shirt and shorts, so she only had to pull on her pants and shoes if they needed to leave in a hurry.
Camden was the only other one who remained in the tent. She resisted the urge to study him, her fingers tingling with the need to trace his lips and taste him one more time. Repressing a sigh, she turned away. She suspected he’d taken a night watch, so she was careful not to wake him.
As she grabbed her shoes and left the tent, she saw Mason was already tending the fire, absently rubbing his temple. He’d grown steadily more stressed the closer they got to the trolls, and she bit back her concern. As much as she wanted to help him, she knew he would only brush away her worry. A glance showed most of the camp had already been broken down. A few wolves were patrolling the grounds, while Willa’s and Loulou’s tents remained zipped tight.
The sun was only a hint on the horizon.
Mason gave her a crooked smile at her disgruntled expression, then pressed a sandwich into her hands. “He’s waiting for you up at the overlook.”
“Of course he is.” She resisted the urge to squirm as she remembered what had happened last night. She studied Mason, the careful way he moved, the way his bright pink hair was subdued, only a few strands perking up at her appearance. There was a brittleness about him, like he was seconds away from shattering, and she decided practice could wait a few minutes. “Are you nervous about returning to your family?”
“They’re not my family anymore.” He gave her a soft smile, his lavender eyes warm as they caressed her face. “I’m not sure they ever were.”
“What do you mean?” She placed her hand on his arm, concerned about what returning to his home could mean for him. Ever since they left the university, he’d been quiet, and she didn’t like it.
Like he was afraid he wouldn’t be returning with them.
Not happening.
“I’m only part troll. I was sent to them as a child, unable to remember anything about my parents.” He turned back toward the fire, taking a stick that was almost as tall as her, and poked at the coals, his hair perking up at his agitation. “No one claimed me, which meant I was virtually a servant to the whole tribe.”
“They’re fucking idiots,” she muttered, and Mason gave her a smile that showed his fangs, and she pretended her heart just didn’t flutter in response. “So if they don’t care about you, then why are you worried?”
“While they might not want me, they won’t want anyone else to claim me either.” He gazed down at the flames pensively.
“When we left, you said you thought they would demand something from me.” She came to stand next to him, allowing her arm to brush his, needing to comfort him somehow. “You don’t think that now?”
He shook his head, then ran his fingers through his hair, a few of the pink strands bouncing back up. “I’m not sure, and that’s what’s worrying me. I don’t want to put you in any more danger than you’re already facing. I—”
“Why don’t you let me decide what I want?” His mouth snapped shut at her rebuke, his eyes flickering uncertainly.
“If it’s a trick, I’m more than capable of handling it.” She gazed up at him, then stepped back and climbed onto the log behind her until they were almost the same height. “You’re mine. You saved me, now it’s my turn to save you. I want you to believe me when I say you’re not going anywhere.”
He leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers, strands of his hair swaying forward to brush lovingly against her face. “I worry that they’ll try to harm you.” His voice dropped an octave until it rumbled in the air between them. “Despite everything they did to me, they’ve never broken me. I’m afraid they already know how hurting you will crush me.”
“Not going to happen.” Annora reached up and cupped his face. “I’ve survived way too much to lose you guys now. Fate wouldn’t be so cruel. If they try anything, know that I’ll hit back twice as hard, and they’ll be begging me to take you off their hands.”
He snorted, his fangs making his smile fierce, and he reached down to tangle his hands in her hair. “You will not put yourself in danger.”
She didn’t argue with him because there was no point.
She would do what was ever necessary to claim him as her own.
“You are mine.” Annora reached up and gripped his wrists. “Don’t give up hope just yet.”
Before she could leave, Mason leaned down and gave her a soft, reverent kiss that was over much too quickly, then set her on the ground, spun her around, and gave her a little push when she just stood there gaping up at him. “Go. You don’t want to keep him waiting.”
Annora wandered blindly through the trees for a few paces, almost startled to see she still held her sandwich. She took a bite, noting the weather seemed cool, as if a touch of snow lingered in the air. The trees were old and crowded, their branches twisted, almost like they had personalities of their own. The undergrowth was snarled in places, while other paths were clear of debris and used as trails for the animals.
Wind nipped at her as she wound higher and higher, and she was thankful the cold didn’t bother her much. She wasn’t sure if her bloodline made her special, or if years underground had conditioned her, or maybe she’d died too many times and the chill of death was just rooted deep into her soul.
However it happened, she was grateful.
The steep incline made her calves ache pleasantly, and she knew Xander was going to make her rea
lly hurt by the time he was done. He always did.
As she strolled onto the overlook, her eyes flashed to where she and Camden were just last night, but only memories remained. She scanned the area, but didn’t see any sign of Xander.
Frowning, she stopped dead, then turned in a slow circle.
Maybe it was Mason’s suspicion of a trap that made her take special notice of her surroundings.
She was no longer alone.
Worry for Xander ate at her, but she knew he could take care of himself. She needed to get to the others and warn them trouble was coming.
She didn’t take more than a few steps when she saw him.
Xander was on his knees, beaten and bloody, barely able to hold himself upright. Everything inside her rebelled at seeing his head bowed in submission.
A female troll stood behind him. While Mason’s features were slightly exaggerated, it only served to make him more handsome.
Not so this troll.
Her garish red hair stuck up at all angles, snarled and knotted, her clothes were ragged and bloodied. Despite her face being bruised and battered, a broken nose, split lip, and a gash by her scalp, the bitch was smiling, her upper and lower fangs proud and prominent.
“What did you do?” Anger turned to disbelief, and the chill of the afterworld began to bleed into the world around them.
“Run.” Xander’s voice was raspy. He shrugged off the arm holding him, struggled to get to his feet, only for the female troll to kick his legs out from under him. He landed with a thud, barely able to keep himself from face-planting. He cradled his ribs, so she knew the bitch had done some serious damage. His beautiful face was battered, blood crusting his beard around his nose and mouth.
Fuck that shit.
No way could she walk away and leave him.
The troll leaned over, slammed her big mitt down on Xander’s shoulder, and hauled him upright. “Me and lover boy here were just playing, weren’t we?”